Business Development Reviews

Spring North can carry out and support a review of your organisations business development plan. The review will look at all aspects of business development, helping you in identifying, researching and developing new business opportunities within the context of your organisations overall business plan and strategy.

What will we review?

We will look at the following themes:

  • Exploring and reviewing sustainable business strategies for the future of the organisation
    Exploring and reviewing the full mix of income generation activity to raise additional funds by seeking ways of diversifying income to provide sustainable funding.
  • A review of fundraising generally – individual, organisational, private and public fundraising
  • Review of business development funding to ensure it is sufficient to support growth opportunities
  • A review of grant, trust and tendering activities, approach and best practice
  • A review of networking and partnership development and opportunities
  • Profile, branding and market readiness – your supporters, your partners and stakeholders’ messages
  • Current and emerging technologies (i.e. digital solutions)

What other areas will we explore?

As part of the business development review we will also look at organisational readiness, exploring and considering, changes in structure, existing, new or emerging business models and services in order to attract funding or position your organisation to meet future developments.

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Last reviewed: 1 year ago

To arrange a free consultation meeting about any of our Business Services, please contact Martin. ​

Martin Hartley Smith – COO

Martin Hartley Smith – COO
01254 784105

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Spring North is a member-based charity consortium covering Central and West Lancashire, Pennine, Morecambe Bay, and the Fylde Coast. 

Join hundreds of North West organisations in becoming a Spring North member for free. Alongside managing projects in the community, we offer a variety of business support services to our members as well as information, training, advice, and guidance.