Organisational Health Check

We all recognise how important it is to have regular health checks to monitor our fitness – illnesses caught early have a much better chance of being put right quickly.Well the same idea applies to the wellbeing of charities and other not-for-profit organisations.

Getting into the habit of regularly reviewing the health of your organisation will help you to spot problem areas quickly and help you to keep in touch with your progress – to get into (and stay in) peak shape, be more effective and successful.

Health Checks

Our health check reviews can take the form of:

Mini Health Check – 1 day review, half a day onsite and half a day report writing and feedback session.

Intermediate Health Check – 2 day, 1.5 days on site and half a day reporting writing and feedback session.

Full Deep Dive Health Check – 3 days, 2 days on site and a further day for research, report writing and feedback session.

What's Included?

Health checks typically include and explore the following areas of your organisation:

  • Managing resources (people, property and money) effectively
  • Financial situation generally
  • Reserves
  • Income and trading pattern
  • Are we on course with our business plan – if not, then which areas do we need to improve Action plan for corrective measures
  • Do we need to plan ahead to meet anticipated changes
  • What are our priorities for the future
  • Profile, brand, awareness, competition, trends Are there obvious training needs
  • Staffing levels
  • Staff development needs
  • Volunteer situation
  • Valuing volunteers, staff and trustees
  • Offering quality services and activities to its service users and stakeholders
  • Measuring outcomes and impact readiness

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Last reviewed: 11 months ago

To arrange a free consultation meeting about any of our Business Services, please contact Martin. ​

Martin Hartley Smith – COO

Martin Hartley Smith – COO
01254 784105

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Spring North is a member-based charity consortium covering Central and West Lancashire, Pennine, Morecambe Bay, and the Fylde Coast. 

Join hundreds of North West organisations in becoming a Spring North member for free. Alongside managing projects in the community, we offer a variety of business support services to our members as well as information, training, advice, and guidance.