Virtual Training Manager

Our virtual training manager is a qualified trainer who will offer your organisation live certificated mandatory training courses for all members of staff in your organisation for an annual one-off fee. All staff will be able to attend regularly scheduled training courses either remotely or face to face whichever is easiest for staff  (The courses are delivered live for full active participation).

What courses do we offer?

• Safeguarding Children
• Safeguarding Adults
• Equality & Diversity
• Prevent
• Health & Safety
• Mental Health awareness
• Fire Safety
• Manual Handling
• Conflict Management

Can the Training be tracked?

Your virtual training manager will keep a record of attendees for each member organisation and forward certificates to a designated contact within your organisation once completed. In addition we will advise when staff are due for refresher training.

How much does it cost?

There are 3 options of membership

Option 1
For a £250 annual fee you can choose 5 of the courses above and you will have unlimited access to them for as many staff that need them.

Option 2
For a £500 annual fee you will have unlimited access to all the courses.

Option 3
For a £1,000 annual fee you will have access to all the courses, plus you will also have 6 face to face training sessions of your choice at your premises per year. The virtual training manager will also make the training bespoke to your organisation by adding your policies and procedures into the training, with this option we can also offer Emergency First Aid in the workplace and Breakaway techniques to the options.

As a member you will also have discounted rates to any other training courses we offer.

Have you been able to find what you're looking for?

If you need help or guidance, our team are available to help!

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Last reviewed: 1 year ago

To arrange a free consultation meeting about any of our Business Services, please contact Martin. ​

Martin Hartley Smith – COO

Martin Hartley Smith – COO
01254 784105

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Spring North is a member-based charity consortium covering Central and West Lancashire, Pennine, Morecambe Bay, and the Fylde Coast. 

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