Funding and Impact Conference Brochure
Spring North Annual General Meeting 2024

Spring North held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) online, welcoming all members to participate. Wednesday’s meeting featured a comprehensive agenda aimed at updating members on the charity’s progress and future plans.
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity awarded six-figure grant as part of Volunteering for Health Programme

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity (LTHC) has been awarded a six-figure grant as part of Volunteering for Health – a £10 million programme being delivered in partnership by NHS England, NHS Charities Together and CW+, the official charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Cancer Awareness Grants Scheme

The Lancashire & South Cumbria Cancer Awareness and Screening Participation Small Grants Scheme is designed to support community-based projects that aim to enhance cancer awareness, improve screening uptake, and promote early diagnosis, with a specific focus on lung, bowel, and pancreatic cancers.
UEC Winter Capacity Funding Opportunity – EOI

On behalf of The VCFSE Alliance, Spring North is pleased to announce three funding opportunities under the UEC Winter Capacity programme. These opportunities aim to enhance support for vulnerable populations across Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen, particularly during the critical winter months. Each opportunity focuses on targeted interventions designed to address specific health and social care challenges in our communities with the primary aim of keeping people out of hospital during the winter period by providing targeted interventions and support.
How a Labour Government Impacts the Charity Sector in the Northwest

With Labour’s victory in the UK General Election, the potential impact of a Labour government on the charity sector is a topic of significant interest. For charities in the Northwest, understanding Labour’s promises and statements is crucial for future planning and strategy
CYP Trauma Informed Blackburn with Darwen Strategic Network

Last week, we held a very productive and encouraging first session of the CYP Trauma Informed Blackburn with Darwen Strategic Network with representatives from Blackburn with Darwen Council, Spring North, Blackburn Youth Zone, The Birchall Trust, Youth Action, and Child Action North West.
Spring North Celebrates Small Charity Week 2024: Fostering Resilient Charities for Stronger Communities

This Small Charity Week, Spring North proudly joins the annual celebration which recognises the vital and valuable contributions small charities make to communities across the UK.
Engaging with Local Candidates: A Guide for Charities

In the context of the upcoming General Election, it’s crucial for charities to engage effectively with local candidates to advocate for the VCSFE sector. Here are some practical tips to ensure meaningful engagement.
The 2024 General Election: Implications for the VCSFE Sector

The announcement of the General Election scheduled for July 4, 2024, by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, represents a pivotal moment for the Voluntary, Community, Social and Faith Enterprises (VCSFE) sector.